Pledge for greener arbitrations

Roberto Oliva

Lucy Greenwood, a collegue from the UK, is promoting the idea of a Pledge for Greener Arbitrations.

I think that this is a good idea and therefore I decided to share the link to take the pledge.The pledge is as follows:

At all times during the arbitration I will consider and question the need to fly;

At all times during the arbitration I will only correspond through electronic means unless hard copy correspondence is expressly required in the circumstances;

As an arbitrator, I will not request hard copies of documents to be provided to me;

As an arbitrator, I will discourage the use of hard copy bundles in hearing rooms;

As an arbitrator, I will suggest, and as counsel I will consider, where appropriate, that witnesses give evidence through video-link rather than attend hearings in person;

I will review the level of air conditioning in hearing rooms;

As an arbitrator, I will not travel unnecessarily to deliberate with my co-arbitrators, and will use screen sharing/video technology instead;

As counsel, I will not travel unnecessarily to conduct fact finding or other interviews with witnesses and will use screen sharing/video technology instead where appropriate;

I will offset the carbon emissions of any flights I make to arbitration hearings.

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